Biofeedback, AKA Quantum Therapy, is based on Quantum Physics and works on the electromagnetic frequency emitted by the body.
Biofeedback is a technique that uses a technology which measures the electric impulses on our skin, helping to regulate the body self healing.
During the session, the client is wired to electromagnetic bands on head, wrists and ankles while the machine measures the electromagnetic frequences all over the body, organs and systems, which are displayed on screen as a 3D body.
During this process, levels of stress, emotions, organs and tissues will be evaluated, also levels of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, brain waves and neurotransmitters, as well as food intolerances.
Besides the observation and validation on pathologies already established, it is also possible to ascertain some susceptibilities of certain body functions, giving a full spectrum of possible predispositions for diseases.
Quantum Therapy works both at diagnosis and therapeutic level. In this way it is possible to elaborate diagnosis and also possible therapies accordingly the clinical situation.
The therapy act at a vibrational level, changing the organs frequencies, system or emotions that are unbalanced, restoring the optimal function of the organism, and giving a sense of well being and harmony.
This technology is accredited by EU and its named INDIGO, patented by Professor William Nelso, former NASA researcher.
Besides the observation and validation on pathologies already established, it is also possible to ascertain some susceptibilities of certain body functions, giving a full spectrum of possible predispositions for diseases.
Quantum Therapy works both at diagnosis and therapeutic level. In this way it is possible to elaborate diagnosis and also possible therapies accordingly the clinical situation.
The therapy act at a vibrational level, changing the organs frequencies, system or emotions that are unbalanced, restoring the optimal function of the organism, and giving a sense of well being and harmony.
This technology is accredited by EU and its named INDIGO, patented by Professor William Nelso, former NASA researcher.
Location: Portimão
Price: 70 euros
Duration: 60 min.
Price: 70 euros
Duration: 60 min.